I hate spam. And I get a lot of it. I own a lot of domains, and emails sent to those domains come to me.
On this site I will be reporting on some of the companies that are illegally sending spam emails. Not the typical scammer type spam that everyone gets a lot of (and is usually filtered into a spam folder). I’ll be writing about companies that give the impression of being legitimate, but seem to think it’s OK to break the law, or are too incompetent to make sure their emails are only going to people they’re legally allowed to send them to.
In the UK it’s illegal to send commercial emails to individuals without permission.
It’s legal to send unsolicited commercial emails to businesses – but sole traders and partnerships count as individuals under UK law.
A lot of the companies that I will be posting about here will be those who treat anyone who owns a website as being a legitimate target for their spam, even if the website is operated by an individual.
I never do business with spammers. Any company that breaks the law can’t be trusted to treat their customers with honesty.